
Best of Luck !!!

It is said that it takes three months for a writer, two months for a doctor, 
one month for a lawyer and only one night before exam for a student
to read a 1000 pages book. :D 

My best wishes are with you !!!


Happy Holidays !!!

For the ones who couldn't get the weekend worksheet...
No need to be concerned about anything, we are here ho help you with everything you need :)))

Happy holidays again, see you soon :))

Weekend Worksheet 6 - Happy Holidays :)))))))))))


Watch the trailers :)

Below you will find the links to the trailers of my favourite movies. Why don't you take a look at them ?

The Usual Suspects Trailer

Shawshank Redemption Trailer

What is your favourite movie of all times?

Hey everybody,

Since we are talking about movies and directors this week, I just want to write about my favourite movie of all times...

I love watching movies... Sometimes I watch 4 or 5 films non-stop a day... Sounds crazy, right??? I used to go to the cinema 3 or 4 times a week but now I prefer watching movies at home. It's more comfy and if I don't like the film I am watching, I have the freedom of turning it off :) ( I rarely do it though )...

I really don't know how many movies I have watched so far but I do remember some of them very well... My favourite movie of all times is... well, actually I have two : The Usual Suspects and Shawshank Redemption

Why do I like these movies??? Well, the answer is easy : cleverly written scripts, amazing acting performances and surprise endings...

Well, if you haven't watched these movies yet, I don't want to ruin anything by writing things :)... I strongly recommend these movies though .

So what is you favourite movie of all times??? 


Your attitude towards the blog :))

Hey everybody ,

While I was surfing on the Internet looking for stuff to put on our blog, I came across with this cartoon :)
Actually, it describes your attitude towards our blog very well, don't you think so ??? :)

Brain Teaser of the Day :)))

What happened in 1961 and will not happen again until 6009?