
What is your favourite movie of all times?

Hey everybody,

Since we are talking about movies and directors this week, I just want to write about my favourite movie of all times...

I love watching movies... Sometimes I watch 4 or 5 films non-stop a day... Sounds crazy, right??? I used to go to the cinema 3 or 4 times a week but now I prefer watching movies at home. It's more comfy and if I don't like the film I am watching, I have the freedom of turning it off :) ( I rarely do it though )...

I really don't know how many movies I have watched so far but I do remember some of them very well... My favourite movie of all times is... well, actually I have two : The Usual Suspects and Shawshank Redemption

Why do I like these movies??? Well, the answer is easy : cleverly written scripts, amazing acting performances and surprise endings...

Well, if you haven't watched these movies yet, I don't want to ruin anything by writing things :)... I strongly recommend these movies though .

So what is you favourite movie of all times??? 


  1. i have just watched 'The Usual Suspects'. it's perfect =))

  2. wow, you are so quick :))) and i'm happy that you liked the film...
    i was really shocked by the surprise ending and how the things were related to each other... any films that you can suggest???
